This is about as neat as it is likely to get, so I took some pictures. I operate Ham radio from here, and work on electronics projects. Last night I repaired 3 old meters I got from eBay, I got all 3 working great! I need a fuse holder to get a Fluke nixie tube meter going. Everything else
you see here works just fine, except a little Conar frequency counter, I haven't gone into it yet.
Here's the view from the entrance:
A shot of the workbench. On the bench are XM radio, and an isolated variable power supply for AC line voltage, to bring up old equipment slowly. Look for smoke...ha! I should add a fire extinguisher, I guess.
A bunch of components I've come across various sources. Lots of tubes, IC's, transistors, resistors, capacitors not pictured, tons of coils, connectors, etc. I sort stuff while the ball games are on, I actually have it well organized.

Here's my view of the world! R-390A was my Cold War weapon of choice in the ASA, this one is supurb! I've got parts to re-cap it and replacement tubes, should the need arise. Kenwood stuff - the TS-570 and I have made several thousand CW (Morse Code) contacts, I love the TS-830s with the great receiver, I've got both narrow filters, and the tube finals put out a solid 100+Watts. F6a handheld gets little use, it's FM VHF. I built the Elecraft K1 and a RockMite in an Altoids can. The kiloWatt amp doesn't get much use, either, as I am 99.9% CW.
That's all for now, I hope to get some fall color pics this weekend.