This is a sharing of my travels. I have been sober since 1990, and am traveling as much as possible in a 2004 Winnebago 38G.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Good medical news
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Busy in Dayton
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
In Dayton
Almost there
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Emo happy
Good News
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Great camp
We are camped in a great site in a great park. This is my favorite TT preserve so far. Right across the road is the trail, and we hiked about a quarter mile down to an empty picnic site overlooking the lake. I let Emo off leash and he got to swim, we stayed over an hour. I saw many fish jump.
I got groceries today, and I think we have all we need to keep the truck parked for the next two weeks, excepting 15 minute runs to the local AA group, which I attended last night. Great meeting, nice meeting space. They meet every night at 7 PM except Sunday when they meet at 3.
I'm going to take a few days to get back to Ohio, but I have registered for the Men's Workshop starting Friday the 18th. I hope the motorhome will fit, if it won't, I may try to motorcycle camp weather permitting. The following week I have appointments, and the week after that I am guessing I will have another colonoscopy. My cancer has been gone for 3 years, I expect a good bill of health. The cardiologist tested me and said I was good last fall, I just need to get out and hike more, and do something else, maybe dumbells. And, quit eating junk.
I use my Blackberry tethered to the laptop for internet, and the signal here is very weak, so e-mail and a short browse is all I can do. Probably good for me, it got us down to the lake instead of sitting in front of the machine. Soon I will start some maintenance, I think my leveler problem may be low fluid, I need to get out the ladder to reach the fill port and check it. If I can't get it going, I'll need to call someone out $$$.
Life is good. Tom, send me your e-mail address if you read this, I wanted to discuss the recent state politics, I see the public unions in Ohio got hit. I hate to get political on this blog, but I really think hitting teachers with budget cuts and crippling their unions is like eating our seed corn. Teachers, cops, fire fighters, infrastructure workers, and military are things we need to keep up if we are going to advance.
Watching a lot of pre-season baseball, it's funny watching some of these kids try things past their abilities to impress people. Wild throws, baserunning, etc. I'll listen to the Reds on Dodger radio tonight, I hope for another good season.
Bye for now...Chuck