Saturday, April 30, 2011

Good Day

The weather finally gave me enough of a break, I got some antennas up and mowed half the yard.

These antennas are solidly up, I hope they will last a few years. I have an Alpha-Delta DX-LB that I replaced the center insulator with a W2AU balun, and used some homebrew PVC spreaders to parallel a 30M dipole. It is up about 35+ feet in the center, and maybe 25 on both ends. Since I had everything I needed to do it, I also hung a G5RV Junior as a sloper. Other antenna is my die hard 6BTV vertical. The low wires are on Rohn 50 foot masts, one bracketed and guyed (35') and the other with plenty of guys. I am very happy to report everything seems to work fine, I worked a Marconi Special Event station on Cape Cod with 25 watts on the 30M dipole, and a few days ago I worked the Queen Mary station on 40M with the vertical. It's a little pistol station, but it should do all I want to do for a long time to come.

Whew, I haven't worked that much in a long time. I promised Emo next nice day, we will go to the Bark Park.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Much rain, chores

Solid rain for several days as usual for April in Dayton. Back yard is a swamp. An ice storm here while I was in Texas took down some of my antennas, I'm almost through getting them back up. Gotta get all teh guy wires, etc. off the ground so I can mow tomorrow.

Hoping for some sunny days to do some day hiking and spend some time in the RV.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Levelers fixed

I got the RV back from Lewis RV today, the levelers are fixed, and I had the oil and genset oil changed. There were 4 other RVs like mine there, all for leaking windshield seals. I may need to do something more aggressive to address the issue, mine does leak a little even after I tried to seal it.

I have a broken little toe, it is almost healed, but it has put the stops on any day hikes. I hope to get some housekeeping done and yard work, antenna work, etc. taken care of before the Thousand Trails Wilmington park opens next Friday.

I've been watching the Reds, off to a great start! More soon, once I get out and about more.