Depression set in this morning, I slept from 10 last night 'til 9 this morning. Didn't feel like doing anything but taking a nap. Body felt stiff and sore. I forced myself to get breakfast. Then, I decided we would hike whether I wanted to or not. Got stuff together, took some ibuprofen and an anxiety pill, and off we went! I'm so glad I was able to win out and get out.
It was a great day, temps in the lower 70's and blue skies with a few white clouds. We hiked one of the "most difficult" rated trails, 5B, that goes to a loop with several overlooks. It was rough, rocky going for a while, I had to stop to rest several times. Emo had no problems, but he was panting pretty good. It was worth the effort to get to the top. That's where the overlook pictures are from.
We hiked down another trail a ways, and then took an easy trail about a mile back to the horse camp where the trailhead is. The boots I bought are work boot soles with cowboy boot style uppers, I was worried about how they would do on the trail, they did great. My tennis shoes would have had a rough go over all those rocks.
Many more trails in this park, we'll be back. Enjoy these pictures for now.

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