Saturday, December 31, 2011

Locked out, screwdriver screwed

I had good intentions Friday. We went to the local clubhouse where Emo met some other recovering alcoholics, I attended the noon meeting, and we went to Lake Livingston State Park to hike. I locked the keys in the truck. We hiked about a quarter mile to the headquarters and a lady there let me use her cell phone to call GM Roadside Assistance. We waited about an hour and a guy from Smith's towing showed up and let me in. We'll hike another day.

I am without Ham Radio here because my High Sierra screwdriver antenna is kaput. I tried it and fried it, there was smoke from the control box. I tried a little troubleshooting and the antenna just won't work for me. I'm thinking of keeping it simple and getting some Hustler resonators, easy to set up and no operational problems. Not as good a signal, but I will be on 3 bands with a rugged and simple and durable set-up.

Resolutions? One day at a time? Well, Emo dog is fat, he weighed in at 78 pounds, his highest ever. I am also gaining weight. I resolve to go hiking more, so look for some trail reports and pictures soon.

Despite the glitches, I am in a good mood and enjoying the great weather here. Windows are open and I got to ride the little motorcycle down the road to gas it up and check mail. I think it will do OK on these 70 MPH Texas roads for short stretches. I might ride it to meetings next week.

More next year...Chuck

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