This is camping heaven. There are basically 3 types of camping here.
You can get a backcountry pass for $14, it is good for one year from date of purchase. This allows you to camp in several areas, good for backpacking, car camping in the woods in many, many places, and camping at some of the boat launch sites. There are some nice campsites even for an RV at some of the launches, with a picnic table, fire ring, lake access, but no trash pick-up or water, and maybe a porta-potty. That's fine with me, the one on the southwest part has tons of trails nearby, it is PERFECT for RV boondocking. 14 day limit, then you have to move a mile.
For $9/night, half price if you are 60 and get your Senior pass, and small discounts for longer stays ($113 for 14 days) you can get into a little more developed campground, with a dumpster, a brick bathhouse, and central water tap. There is a full time attendant volunteer at these. They are nice! No RV hook-ups, and I think you can stay 21 days. There are many of these, almost all with lake access, you choose sun or shade, etc.
There are sites with hook-ups. The campground I am in, Energy Lake, is $12/day, half for seniors, plus $6/day if you have electric. So, I'm paying $18/day, electric only, a senior would pay $12. There is a shower house, dump stations are available at the north and center centers, dumpsters, water spigots, and contractors who do a good job of keeping everything clean. There are two campgrounds that offer full hook-ups, $28 or $32 per night.
I love it, love it, love it. I want to come here in the spring or fall, and dry camp with the RV. I want to kennel the dog and come down here on the motorcycle, there are great roads to explore. I want to stop by here every spring and fall when I fulltime!
I also found a really neat place, tomorrow I'm driving out in swimming trunks and taking my water shoes, and I'm going to swim with Emo. He'll flip! And there are lots of trails I want to do, too, but highs in the 90's are challenging! But, I like it hot.

Typical $9/night campsite
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