We made it here in fine shape, got here about noon. We are all set up. It's about 90F here today, so we are thankful for the air conditioning. Got level, put the slide out, set up the satellite dish, and now I'm on the internet. In the middle of the forest! This site is a bit pricey, but I think it's worth it. We have the site until July 8 if I decide to stay, I'm all paid up. Here's a picture of this wonderful pull-thru site.

Here we are at site D7, Energy Lake Campground, Land Between the Lakes.
When I checked in, I asked about the trails, and the volunteer said they are all open. They had a lot of damage from the ice storm back in January.
View from the front.
I think I might have got a turtle on the way in. He was a big one, I think I missed him with the motorhome, by the time I saw him and saw what he was, I drove so he was under the RV, but I am afraid the Subaru tires might have hit him. I don't know, maybe he got lucky.

View from the picnic table under the awning. Hope the bugs aren't bad, there might be several meals eaten here.
I'm very close to the restroom/showerhouse, so if I take a few showers there, I can probably keep my trips to the dump station to one, and another on the way out. It's a pain to pack everything up and have to re-level, etc. We are really roughing it here.
Well, the White Sox - Cubs game is on in 8 minutes, gotta go. I'll put on shorts and take Emo for a stroll in a little while. He was happy when he saw where we moved to. I tied him to the picnic table while I set up, and he kept going back in the RV the little way the leash allowed. He knew the air conditioner would be on soon! I'm stocked up on Chuck food and Emo food, full water, a case of bottled water, re-filled my medicine, we are ready to have some fun. More pics of this wonderful place later.
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