Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Nailed again

Yes, I'll be the lead speaker at the Saturday meeting this week. Out of town speakers are a "get" for the chairperson, so Norma asked me after the noon meeting if I would share my story. I'm not a polished speaker, I still get a bit nervous and I don't have a barn burner of a story, but I do enjoy sharing in this fashion. I'm actually looking forward to it. It's a good group there at the clubhouse.

We did some car exploring yesterday, getting forest maps for the Angelina and Davy Crockett National Forests, and we looked at the area a ranger suggested for a day hike loop. Emo stepped on something last week and has a swelling between two toes, it doesn't seem to bother him much, but the vet suggested we wait until later in the week to hike. We did just get back from a tour of the campground, it's a little brisk here. I put some water in the holding tank and turned the outside hook-up faucet off, we will get a hard freeze here this evening. Nothing like Ohio, sis says my niece has been home from school 2 snow days so far this week.

The longer I stay in the RV, the more the balance goes toward doing this full-time. It was 80-20 in favor of it around Christmas time, so I'm almost fully convinced. I booked the 3 weeks at Colorado River Thousand Trails yesterday, I'm going to look at the atlas and see what I want to do from February 8 to March 21. The Thousand Trails campgrounds are no additional money for me (well, $3/day if I have 50 Amps), I can stay 3 weeks, and there are 3 here along this latitude in Texas. But, I'd like to slowly meander across the south, I dunno, gotta spend some time with one of my favorite things, the atlas. I'll keep you posted.

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